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Payday Advance Services

When looking for payday advance services, you'll quickly find that there are tons of places to choose from online. The wide number of choices may overwhelme you and you may not know where to turn. At, we provide listings to help you compare some of the top services out there, and you can begin your search by browsing our listings for cash advance loans and payday advance services.

Google Payday Advance Services
If our listings were not sufficient for you to find a suitable provider of payday advance services, take a look at the directory of payday advance services in Google. This page is based on a copy of this page in the DMOZ.

Their list of sites is longer than ours, so you can find services there that are not listed on However, they just offer very short listings that do not contain much info and are frequently out of date. Because we include more detailed information, our site makes it much easier to compare providers and find one that works best for you.

In the Google Directory, sites are listed in order of Google PageRank. PageRank is part of Google's search engine technology, and it is related to link popularity. Essentially the more links a site has pointing to it, and the better quality of the sites that are pointing to it, the higher its PageRank will be. The higher the PageRank, the higher the site will be listed in the directory.

Another choice is to list the sites in alphabetical order, which is best for when you are trying to find a particular site based on its name. To do this, just click the link above the site listings that says "View in alphabetical order".

If you still want more sources for online cash advances, browse the Yahoo Directory page of cash advance companies.

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